Living with a disability can make some activities more difficult than others and that can certainly be said for driving. However, getting from A to B with ease is imperative for the disabled and can play a major role in establishing independence. Here at Essential Mobility, we understand the importance of those living with disabilities to be as independent as possible and provide a diverse range of all-terrain mobility scooters to ensure just that, but for those embarking upon slightly longer journeys, car adaptions will enable you to drive with confidence. We’ve put together a list of just five fantastic car adaptions that are designed to deliver a seamless solution for those that need extra assistance when driving.

Hand Controls
Many disabilities will affect the lower body, and this can cause some difficulty in operating standard vehicles. One of the best ways to combat this is through the various hand controls that are available today, a prime example being a push/pull device. This innovation enables the driver to control the speed of the vehicle with their hands, pushing or pulling a lever as required when they wish to accelerate or brake. While there are a variety of different versions of hand controls available on the market, the main functionality of the adaption remains largely the same across brands. However, if you’re considering hand controls for your own vehicle or someone else’s, do remember that the device requires the car to have an automatic gearbox.
Foot Steering
Those experiencing an upper-body disability are able to use the lower half of their body to control the car. Whilst this may be difficult to get your head around at first, it’s actually a very simple mechanism that helps get everyone to where they need to be. Most foot steering mechanisms involve some kind of apparatus that is easy and safe to control using one’s legs or feet. As with all of these car adaptions, it’s important to seek advice and expertise of professionals and trusted companies or charities who will be able to ensure all of your devices are safe for each and every disability.
Steering Aids
Limited movement on hands and fingers can make it difficult to hold and turn the steering wheel, an essential function that is required to ensure the safety of both passengers and other road users. Disabled drivers can regain full control through a range of brilliant aids, including an easy-to-grip steering ball or a rotating plate that can be operated by your wrist or forearm.
Wheelchair Hoists
For many wheelchair users, driving just doesn’t seem like a viable option as it is difficult to get yourself out of the wheelchair and into the driving seat without further assistance. However, there are plenty of wheelchair hoists and tail lifts that help someone who relies on a wheelchair in everyday life to get behind the wheel.
Driving Aids
Whatever disability you may be living with, the idea of driving should not seem quite so daunting when you are introduced to the multitude of car adaptions available that contributes towards the safe operation of the vehicle. From T-shaped handles on handbrakes to steering balls, there really is a variety of devices that give those living with disabilities the confidence to drive themselves around.
If you do decide to explore any car adaptions that may be useful for you, remember to seek the advice of an industry professional, who will be in the best position to advise upon which devices will work for you. Many charities offer free guidance on the types of aids and devices available, and it’s always a good idea to consider all of your options before deciding upon an adaption.