As the days are getting shorter and the temperature continues to drop, the pleasant summer months seem far behind us and hats, gloves and scarves are here to stay for the season.

The arrival of the winter months brings an array of challenges and difficulties, all of which can be avoided, with careful planning, thought and consideration of the following safety tips.
Slips and trips
As the nights draw in sooner, the amount of daylight is reduced, this can make visibility much poorer than usual. Try to be extra diligent while you are out and about during the dark evenings. Take care and try to stick to routes and paths you know well. By doing this, you are likely to reduce the chance of any accidental trips.
Recent winters in the UK have been much milder than expected, but, often there has still been a blanket of ice for individuals to wake up to. One of the most common injuries amongst the elderly at this time of year is slips on mud and ice on paths or roads. If you do have to go outdoors during the cold weather, take your time and wear footwear with good quality grip. If you are using your all terrain mobility scooter, take the journey a little slower and stick to paths and roads that have been gritted.
Don’t let the sunshine deceive you into thinking it is warm outside and always been prepared for the cold weather. If you’re going outdoors during the winter, wrap up using layers. Layers are beneficial as not only do they keep you warm, you can gradually remove each layer as and when you heat up. Not only should you wrap up while you’re outdoors, you should also ensure you are wearing appropriate clothing when you go to bed; with full-length pyjamas and thick socks, you should stay toasty all night!
Winter Blues
Many of us, both young and old suffer from the winter blues. To prevent them setting in, head outdoors while the sun is shining to top up on your vitamin D, meet your friends or family, play games, listen to music or exercise. Although these tasks may seem simple, they can help to maintain and boost your mood.
The festive season is often a time for over-indulgence, but, during your senior years it is even more important to ensure your diet is balanced and nutritious. Try not to eat too many sugar laden treats and aim to have at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. For the ultimate winter comfort food, why not made yourself a delicious homemade casserole or soup? They taste great and can be made using a range of fresh and nourishing ingredients.
While the first few tips were about keeping yourself safe, the final, yet equally as important tip is about ensuring your appliances are in full working order for the winter ahead. Central heating, gas fires and heaters are used most during the colder months, for peace of mind be sure to check they are still functional after being out of action during the summer. This allows you enough time to make any necessary repairs or hire a specialist to service your appliances before the winter sets in.
Have we missed any important winter safety tips for the elderly? We would love to know how you prepare for the cold months ahead, share your ideas with us via our social media channels.