With the rise of the internet allowing us to have almost everything we need delivered to our door, the need to actually leave the house may seem to diminish for some. When living with limited mobility, reliance on deliveries can be essential, but it can stop motivation for getting out of the house. While accessing the world outside your home can be trickier for some, it is incredibly important to get out and about in nature as regularly as possible, even if you feel you don’t need to. We take a look at some of the reasons why leaving the house is crucial.
Improved Mood
Research has continually shown that spending time outside is incredibly beneficial to our mental health. Sunlight is proven to boost people’s moods, helping to reduce depression and anxiety. While being active adds to the benefits gained by being outdoors, it is not essential, as simply being in the fresh air in a natural area is enough to help improve mood. Visiting a garden or park is a great idea, as the smell of flowers and grass has also been found to help you feel more relaxed.

Sunlight May Reduce Pain
One research study discovered that surgery patients who were exposed to sunlight felt slightly less pain than those that were in darker areas. As such, they ended up taking less pain medication and felt less stressed. While sunlight certainly won’t be a cure for your aches and pains, it may help to alleviate your symptoms.
Vitamin D Reduces Inflammation
Being out in the sun will also boost your levels of vitamin D, which helps to reduce inflammation in the body, and can help prevent osteoporosis. While you can get vitamin D from food, 90% comes from our exposure to the sun, so getting out in daylight is a must.
Being Outside Can Give Your Immune System a Boost
It is believed by scientists that the airborne chemicals released by plants, known as phytoncides help to increase our levels of white blood cells. White blood cells help our bodies to fight infection and disease.

Allows You to be More Social
It is incredibly important to get out of the house to socialise. While it may seem scary to some, it is incredibly important to socialise with others. Staying inside can be very isolating, and feelings of loneliness can quickly develop. Heading out to a café with friends or meeting a new group of people at an accessible club is crucial to keep your mind healthy and happy. Plus, you never know, you could be helping someone else by talking with them!
Helps Your Mind
There are a number of ways that going outdoors can help boost your brain function. Not only has being out and about in nature been found to improve short-term memory, but it can also have a restorative effect, helping to renew mental energy. This also means that it may help you experience better concentration and more creative thinking.
Here at Essential Mobility you can buy or rent a mobility scooter to suit your needs, when you need it. Our all-terrain mobility scooters are ideal for those who want to use their time outside exploring nature, and will allow easier access on unpaved paths. If you’d like to get out in nature a bit more this year, then check out our guide to the best wheelchair-friendly routes in North Devon.